Speeding Up Page Load with Early Flush
Posted on June 26, 2017
There are a lot of challenges to overcome when optimizing the page load speed of your website or web app. One of these is getting your most important assets downloaded to the client as quickly as possible. These assets likely include one or more CSS files and one or more JavaScript files. CSS is crucial to get to the client right away since it's needed for initial render. JavaScript may be equally as crucial if you're doing your rendering client-side. So these are the assets you want the browser to start downloading as soon as possible. One thing that can get in the way is generating the HTML for your page server-side. If generating the HTML takes any significant amount of time, the browser can't start downloading assets until your server generates and sends down all the HTML with the assets referenced via link and script tags. For example, on this blog I server-side render the React components that make up my pages, which usually requires waiting for a database call to complete before I can finish rendering the contents of a page. It'd be great if the browser didn't have to wait for the server to finish this work before it can start downloading assets.
Thankfully, there are a few techniques you can utilize to get the browser downloading your critical assets even before your server has finished generating all of the page's HTML. One of them is called early flush, and it involves sending down the HTML for a page in separate chunks instead of all at once. In this post, we'll take a look at how early flush works, how you can use it to get the browser downloading assets early, and how big of a difference it can make when your server has a lot to do.
How Early Flush Works
Early flush is possible to do because HTTP supports a feature called chunked transfer
encoding. Normally when a server responds to a request, it must indicate the
total size of the response using the Content-Length
header and then send the whole response in one
go. When using chunked transfer encoding, the server no longer needs to provide Content-Length
can send parts of the response as they're ready. The client can then start parsing these parts even
before it has received the entirety of the response.
In the case of browsers receiving HTML for a web page, you can send down the <head>
section of the
HTML as soon as your server receives the browser's request, and before your server starts working on
the contents of the page. If this first part of the response contains references to CSS and
JavaScript assets, the browser will likely start downloading those right away. Removing the
dependency on page content from getting your asset URLs to the browser means those assets will be
downloaded and parsed sooner than if they'd had to wait for the content to be generated.
An Example Usage
I was able to easily implement early flush on this blog since Express has support for it
built in. With Express, you can simply send part of the response by calling res.write
. After
you've sent the last part of the response, call res.end
to end the response. Express will handle
sending the appropriate HTTP headers.
I wrote a small utility function to send down the start of the HTML markup common to all my blog's pages, including the references to CSS and JavaScript files. It uses another utility I wrote that wraps the express-handlebars module to render a template to produce the initial response chunk that I want to send immediately when my server receives a request for a page. It renders the template on server start and caches the resulting string so it's ready for when requests start coming in.
Here's the utility function:
const handlebars = require('server/utils/handlebars');let earlyFlushResponse;handlebars.render('start.hbs').then((result) => earlyFlushResponse = result);module.exports = function earlyFlush(res) {res.write(earlyFlushResponse);};
The function is called with the Express res
object when a request is first received, before the
server starts making database calls and rendering React components.
And here's the Handlebars template it renders:
<!doctype html><html><head><link rel="stylesheet" href="{{getAsset 'app.css'}}"><link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="http://www.willhastings.me/rss"><script src="{{getAsset 'manifest.js'}}" defer></script><script src="{{getAsset 'vendor.js'}}" defer></script><script src="{{getAsset 'app.js'}}" defer></script><meta charset="utf-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
The template uses a helper to pull in the names of CSS and JS assets from my app's latest build,
which contain content-based hashes for effective cache busting. There are a
couple important points to highlight. The first is I can leave the <head>
unclosed. This allows me
to fill in more details later, such as setting the page <title>
to the title of a blog post loaded
from the database.
The second is the use of the defer
attribute on the script tag. By default, a script tag blocks
rendering of the HTML that comes after it until it has been downloaded, parsed, and executed. That's
why the age-old advice for page load performance and scripts is to put your scripts at the bottom of
your HTML after the rest of the page contents. But in my case I want to both get the browser
downloading my scripts immediately and have it render my server-side generated content ASAP. Using
, I can tell the browser to start downloading my scripts right away, but to wait to execute
them until it's finished receiving and parsing the page HTML. This approach works pretty well,
especially for a content-driven site like a blog. But there are ways to get scripts loading and
executing even faster. For more techniques, I recommend reading "Deep dive into the murky waters of
script loading" on HTML5 Rocks.
One important caveat to keep in mind regarding early flush is that once you've sent part of the response, you can't change your mind and do something else like redirect the user to another page. This presented some difficulty for me in adding early flush to this blog, as I have logic that redirects the user under certain circumstances, such as when a user who isn't logged in tries to load the admin dashboard. This meant I had to execute the logic to determine if the user should be redirected before executing the early flush. This made things a little more complicated than I had hoped they would be, but mostly because I try to handle redirection in a way that works both my server-side and client-side routing.
Illustrating with an Experiment
In order to illustrate the effect of early flush, I performed a simple experiment in which I added
an artificial three second delay (using setTimeout
) to generating the page contents on my blog's
server, and measured page load using Chrome's Dev Tools for loading a page with and without early
flush. In addition to the server-side delay, I used Dev Tools to throttle network speed to regular
3g and to throttle CPU to -5x in order to simulate a more moderate speed network connection and
Here's a screenshot from the Network tab when loading the page without early flush. Notice that no CSS or JS starts downloading until after the browser starts receiving the full HTML response after the delay has elapsed.
Additionally, I observed the following timings relative to the start of page load:
- React started executing client-side at 8,640ms.
- React finished executing at 8,726ms.
started downloading at 3,150ms.manifest.js
, andapp.js
started downloading at 4,730ms.
Here's the Network tab screenshot for loading the page with early flush. Notice that CSS and JS start downloading almost at the beginning of page load, as this is when the first chunk of HTML is received.
And the timing observations:
- React started executing client-side at 5,947ms.
- React finished executing at 6,024ms.
started downloading at 132ms.manifest.js
started downloading at 377ms.vendor.js
started downloading at 501ms.app.js
started downloading at2,880ms
I was really surprised to see that Chrome was downloading my scripts sequentially rather than in parallel like it had without early flush. Without parallel downloading, the effort hardly seemed worth it. Thankfully, I found that when running Chrome against my site in production it does actually download my scripts in parallel even with early flush enabled. I'm guessing the sequential downloading behavior I observed in my experiment is due to some quirk in the way Chrome handles pages served off of localhost.
As we saw, early flush is a nice optimization you can employ to speed up page loads on sites that
have to do any non-trivial server-side generation of page contents. As far as implementing it on my
blog goes, the work I've done so far is just a first stab at trying out the technique. There is more
work to do to optimize things further. For example, the eagle-eyed reader may have noticed in the
network tab screenshots from my experiment that early flush did not do much for the downloading of
the script named 2.js
. This is because I use Webpack's code splitting functionality to split my
client-side JS into smaller chunks. Since 2.js
is a chunk that's programmatically downloaded by
Webpack, it's download can't be kicked off until all the previous scripts have been downloaded,
parsed, and executed. Because of this, my time-to-interactive is probably not much better than it
was without early flush. To really speed it up, I'll probably have to try an alternative script
loading technique, such as dynamically adding script tags to the DOM.
Note that though we only looked at early-flush as a mechanism for speeding up asset loading, you can also use it to improve perceived performance by sending down parts of the page contents, such as your site header and navigation, so the browser can render it before the rest of the page is ready.
Finally, remember that early flush is just another technique for page load optimization that may or may not speed things up for your particular use case. As with any technique, be sure to profile and measure to see if things are indeed improving.